For everyday clean-ups, products consisting of detergent and soaps plus water and a little bit of elbow grease work fine, but this procedure is what we should do regularly and not occasionally.
As the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) shares, this can decrease the variety of germs like Household Ants, Cockroaches, Spiders, Bed bugs, Wasps/Yellow Jackets, Termites, Rodents and Mosquitos on a specific surface, which in turn decreases threats of infection in normal conditions.
If you urgently need home disinfection services, we understand you do not want to wait. So, please contact us at (813)-671-3838 to schedule an appointment for either an one-time service or to enroll in a regular cleaning services.
The CDC suggests regular cleaning prior to disinfecting and afterwards making use of an EPA-approved disinfectant, keeping products in a safe place according to the instructions mentioned on the package can prevent harm to kids or pets. Beware do not mix products as they create “very hazardous” fumes, an example is: a mix of bleach and various other cleaning/disinfecting products.
Always use the products according to the instructions mentioned on the package without overuse. Use proper hand gloves that are suitable for the job and also safety tools when needed (such as safety eyewear) to avoid any accidents or injuries. As you decontaminate by hand, make sure to clean other the surfaces like tables, handles, countertops, doorknobs, keyboards, toilets, faucets and sinks, desks are all things you touch every day and use in everyday life.
Another option you can use is Pest Control services, a service that offers protection from not only the COVID-19 virus but also other viruses and bacteria like household ants, cockroaches, spiders, bed bugs, wasps/yellow jackets, termites, rodents/critters and also mosquitos.